Windows UAC Bypass

What is UAC?  UAC (User Account Control) is a windows security feature that forces any new process to run in non-elevated mode by default. Any process executed by any user including administrators themselves has to follow the rules of the UAC I.e., ‘Do not trust any user running the process’. If actions has to be...

What is PCI DSS Pentesting?

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of rules designed to keep credit cardholder information safe. It is an operational prerequisite for businesses that handle or store cardholder data. Your company will need penetration testing for PCI DSS compliance to ensure cardholder data is safe. Companies that handle payment cards must...

A Complete Guide to Phishing Simulation with gophish

What is Phishing?  Phishing is a social engineering attack used to obtain user information such as login credentials and credit card information. It happens when a malicious actor pretends to be someone or something trustworthy to trick a victim into opening an email, IM, or text message.  Scenario  Consider a small business with 30 employees that...

Integer Overflow in Smart Contracts

Overflow and Underflow are the two forms of flow in blockchain. When a single numerical computation is performed, the output exceeds the maximum that a register or memory can store or represent. This is referred to as an “overflow.” In the Solidity programming language, uint8 may represent 256 values ranging from 0 to 255. When...

Exploiting Broadcast Receivers

What are Broadcast Receivers?  A broadcast receiver is a component in Android applications that allows the system to send events to applications that are not part of the standard user stream. Broadcast receivers are set up to receive specific events. When the event occurs, the receiver is called, and tasks such as displaying a message...