Intercepting Implicit Intent to Load Arbitrary URL

In the world of Android app development, intents play a crucial role in facilitating communication and interaction between different components within an app and even between different apps. Intents can be categorized into two types: explicit and implicit. While explicit intents have a specific receiver and are delivered to a predetermined component, implicit intents leave...

Understanding and Securing Amazon Cognito: A Comprehensive Guide 

Amazon Cognito is a powerful tool that enables developers to handle user authentication, authorization, and user management in web and mobile applications. With its support for various authentication providers such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon, it simplifies the process of managing user identities. However, if not configured properly, it can lead to security vulnerabilities. In...

Dumping Android Application Memory

In today’s digital landscape, protecting sensitive information is of utmost importance. As technology progresses, the tactics used by malicious individuals to illicitly access data also evolve. One such method is memory forensics, which involves extracting valuable information from a target device’s memory. In this guide, we will explore the process of dumping Android application memory,...

Protecting Android Clipboard Content

In today’s digital landscape, mobile users often rely on the clipboard function to conveniently copy and paste sensitive information like passwords and payment details. However, the clipboard’s vulnerability makes it an attractive target for cyberattacks. Attackers can exploit the clipboard to collect valuable data or even manipulate copied information for malicious purposes. As a security-conscious...

Exploring Native Modules in Android with Frida

Mobile security testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the integrity and security of Android applications. In order to thoroughly assess an app’s security, it’s important to understand how the app’s code works, including any native modules that may be utilized. Native modules, often implemented in C/C++, provide developers with the ability to optimize performance...

Preventing Exploitation of Deep Links 

Deep links are a powerful tool for enhancing user experience in Android applications. They allow users to navigate directly to specific content within an app, bypassing the need to navigate multiple screens. However, this convenience comes with a vulnerability that malicious actors can exploit. This blog will explore the potential risks associated with deep links...

How to Exploit Android Activities?

This blog will explore different methods and techniques to exploit Android activities with the “exported=true” attribute set. By understanding the vulnerabilities associated with this attribute, we can identify potential security risks and take appropriate measures to mitigate them.  What is an Activity in the Android App?  An activity in an Android app is essentially what...

Understanding Intent Injection Vulnerabilities in Android Apps 

In the complex world of Android app security, intent injection vulnerabilities pose a significant threat. These vulnerabilities allow attackers to manipulate the communication between different components within an app, potentially gaining unauthorized access to sensitive information or executing malicious actions. In this article, we will explore the concept of intent injection vulnerabilities in Android apps,...

A Comprehensive Guide to Android Penetration Testing

Android penetration testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the security of mobile applications. With the increasing popularity of Android devices and the widespread use of mobile apps, it has become essential to identify and address security vulnerabilities in order to protect sensitive information. In this comprehensive guide, we will learn the importance of Android...

Exploiting Android WebView Vulnerabilities

In this blog, we are going to discuss Android WebView vulnerabilities.  What is a WebView?   The WebView class, which is an extension of the View class in Android, can be used to show a web page as part of your activity layout. It doesn’t have navigation buttons or an address bar, which are two important...