Exploring Hardware Hacking as an Approach to IoT Security

As the use of IoT devices increases, ensuring their security becomes crucial. Unauthorized access should never occur due to proper protection measures in place on these devices. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at a specific aspect of IoT security called hardware hacking, understanding its methods, benefits, and components to see how it...

Terminal Multiplexing: Hijacking Tmux Sessions

Terminal sessions are a crucial part of any Linux system. Whether you’re an experienced system administrator or an aspiring Linux enthusiast, it’s crucial to understand how to manage multiple terminal sessions effectively. One tool that stands out in this regard is Tmux, a robust terminal multiplexer that offers the flexibility to handle multiple sessions simultaneously. ...

The Importance of Vulnerability Scans and Pen Testing 

As cyber-attacks have evolved, businesses must protect their applications against vulnerabilities that open them to attack. Vulnerability scans and penetration testing come into play here. In this blog, we will discuss combining vulnerability scans and pen testing to maximize your application security.  Introduction to Application Security  Application security is securing software applications from various threats...