Web ApplicationNovember 21, 2023Web Cache Poisoning: A Comprehensive Guide to Protecting Your Website 

Web cache poisoning is a sophisticated attack. It targets the caching system of a browser, leading to the delivery of stale or outdated content to unsuspecting users. In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the intricacies of web cache poisoning, in addition to its working mechanism. We will also look into the core reasons behind its occurrence, and outline some preventive measures to safeguard your website from such attacks. 

Introduction to Web Cache Poisoning 

Web cache poisoning is an advanced technique employed by attackers. It helps the attackers to exploit the behavior of web servers and caches, leading to the delivery of harmful HTTP responses to unsuspecting users. By understanding the fundamentals of web cache poisoning, we can focus on effectively mitigating the risks associated with this attack. 

What is Web Cache Poisoning? 

Web cache poisoning involves two distinct phases. First, the attacker elicits a response from the back-end server that inadvertently contains a dangerous payload. Once successful, they ensure that their response is cached and subsequently served to the intended victims. This technique can exploit vulnerabilities such as XSS, JavaScript injection, and open redirection, among others. 

Understanding the Behaviour of Web Servers and Caches 

To comprehend how web cache poisoning vulnerabilities arise, it is crucial to have a basic understanding of how web cache functions. Caches sit between the server and the user, saving (caching) responses to specific requests for a fixed amount of time. When subsequent users send equivalent requests, the cache serves a copy of the cached response without involving the back-end server. This significantly reduces server load and improves overall performance. 

The Working of Web Caches 

Web caches play a crucial role in improving website performance and reducing server load. Understanding how they operate is essential in grasping the vulnerabilities that can be exploited through web cache poisoning. 

Caching to Reduce Server Load and Improve Performance 

The primary purpose of caching is to alleviate server load and enhance the user experience. By storing and serving cached responses, servers can handle duplicate requests more efficiently, resulting in reduced latency and faster page loads. 

Private and Shared Caches 

Caches can be classified as private or shared. Private caches are dedicated to a single user, storing documents downloaded via HTTP for easy access without requiring additional server requests. Shared caches, on the other hand, serve multiple users, such as those implemented by ISPs or companies using web proxies. Shared caches optimize network traffic and reduce latency by reusing popular resources. 

Targets of Caching Operations 

Certain request methods are deemed “cacheable,” allowing responses to be stored for future reuse. Understanding the targets of caching operations is crucial in comprehending how web cache poisoning can occur. 

Cacheable Request Methods 

The specification RFC7231 designates GET, HEAD, and POST as cacheable request methods. However, most cache implementations only support GET and HEAD. Various types of responses, including successful retrievals, redirects, error responses, and partial content, can be cached based on their specific characteristics. 

Detecting Unkeyed Inputs 

Unkeyed inputs form a critical element in web cache poisoning attacks. Identifying these inputs is essential in constructing effective attacks and implementing preventive measures. 

1) Identifying Vulnerable Elements in a Request 

Web cache poisoning attacks rely on the manipulation of unkeyed inputs, such as headers, that are ignored by caches when determining whether to serve a cached response. By identifying these inputs manually or using automated tools, such as Param Miner, potential vulnerabilities can be uncovered. 

2) The Importance of Unkeyed Inputs in Cache Poisoning 

Unkeyed inputs allow attackers to inject their payload and elicit a poisoned response, which, if cached, can be served to all users with matching cache keys. Understanding the significance of unkeyed inputs is crucial in constructing successful cache poisoning attacks. 

Exploiting Web Cache Poisoning Vulnerabilities 

Constructing a web cache poisoning attack involves several steps, including identifying unkeyed inputs, eliciting a harmful response from the back-end server, and ensuring that the response is cached. By exploiting vulnerabilities in web caches, attackers can distribute various types of attacks to unsuspecting users. 

Basic Techniques for Constructing Poisoning Attacks 

Constructing a basic web cache poisoning attack entails identifying unkeyed inputs and evaluating their potential impact. Additionally, it ensures that the response containing the injected payload is successfully cached. This process can further be automated by using tools like Param Miner, which guesses headers and observes their impact on the response.


In this practical demonstration, we are using a vulnerable Lab from Portswigger. 

Description –

This lab is vulnerable to web cache poisoning because it handles input from an unkeyed header in an unsafe way. An unsuspecting user regularly visits the site’s home page. To solve this lab, poison the cache with a response that executes an alert(document. cookie) in the visitor’s browser. Let’s get started – 

  • Firstly, with burp running in the background, refresh the home page.
  • Navigate to the Burpsuite “HTTP History” tab and find the “GET” request for the home page. Right-click on it and send it to the repeater. 

  • In Burp Repeater, add a query parameter like ‘?cb=1234’ and an ‘X-Forwarded-Host’ header with ‘example.com’ as the domain of the request.
  • Click on ‘send.’ Upon examining the response, you’ll notice the ‘x-cache: miss’ header.
  • Send the request again, and now observe that the response contains the header ‘x-cache: hit,’ indicating that the response came from the cache.

  • Now go to the exploit server and change the file name from “/exploit” to the path indicated in the vulnerable response (see above image, Mark:4).
  • In the body section, insert our payload, which is alert(document.cookie), then click on “Store” button.

Note: Don’t forget to copy the URL of your exploit server.
  • Navigate back to Burp Repeater, remove the query parameter (?cb=1234) from the request, and replace the X-Forwarded-Header with your exploit server URL. 

  • Now click on “SEND”. Continue sending the request until you observe your exploit server URL being reflected in the response and ‘X-Cache: hit’ in the headers. If your request hits the server, reload the home page; the browser will then pop up an alert box with the cookie, indicating that our payload has been successfully triggered. 

Note: Please note that triggering might not occur on the first attempt, so it's necessary to try sending the request multiple times. Always remember that the cache expires every 30 seconds. 
  • After triggering the payload, click “OK,” and you will receive a ‘congratulations’ pop-up message.

Preventing Web Cache Poisoning 

Protecting your website from web cache poisoning attacks requires proactive preventive measures. By optimizing your website for efficient caching, managing content changes, and leveraging caching plugins, you can significantly reduce the risk of cache poisoning. 

  1. Optimizing Your Website for Efficient Caching: Ensuring that your website is well-optimized for caching is crucial in preventing cache poisoning. Enhance performance and mitigate the risk of cache-related vulnerabilities by optimizing images and minimizing unnecessary requests. Implement caching best practices to improve the overall efficiency of your website.
  2. Managing Content Changes and Cache Invalidation: Regularly updating your website’s content is essential. However, it can pose challenges in terms of cache invalidation. Ensure users receive the latest content by adopting effective cache invalidation strategies. Remove cached versions of updated pages to avoid relying on outdated cached responses. 
  3. Avoiding Repetitive Use of Images to Thwart Attacks: Repetitive use of the same image across multiple blog posts or web pages can make your website vulnerable to web cache poisoning attacks. You can reduce the risk of attackers injecting poisoned HTML code by diversifying your image usage. Avoid predictable patterns to prevent errors or misinformation on your website.
  4. Leveraging Caching Plugins for Enhanced Security: Caching plugins, such as those available for WordPress, offer additional security measures to protect against web cache poisoning attacks. By leveraging these plugins, you can ensure that visitors are served cached versions of your pages in case of errors while avoiding the risk of outdated or compromised content. 

Countermeasures against Web Cache Poisoning 

Implementing effective countermeasures is crucial in defending your website against web cache poisoning attacks. By addressing mishandling of content type, enabling client-side validation, and leveraging appropriate headers, you can significantly reduce the risk of cache poisoning vulnerabilities. 

  1. Addressing Mishandling of Content-Type: Web servers often fall victim to cache poisoning attacks. It is due to mishandling of content types. Prevent attackers from injecting malicious code by implementing robust content type handling mechanisms. Ensure the integrity of incoming requests through validation to safeguard the cache from compromise.
  2. Enabling Client-side Validation to Verify Request Source: Client-side validation plays a critical role in preventing web cache poisoning attacks. Mitigate the risk of forged user-agent headers and other potential attack vectors by ensuring your website verifies the source of incoming requests. Implement browser-based validation to enhance the security of your system.
  3. The Role of Content-Type Headers in Prevention: Content-type headers are essential in preventing cache-poisoning attacks. Since it establishes the expected format of incoming requests. By enforcing strict adherence to content types and rejecting requests that do not conform, you can effectively defend against cache-poisoning vulnerabilities.
Impact of Web Cache Poisoning 

Web cache poisoning attacks have significant consequences, ranging from compromised user experiences to the distribution of harmful payloads. Understanding the potential impact of cache poisoning is crucial in implementing effective preventive measures and maintaining the security of your website. 

  1. Risks and Consequences of Cache Poisoning Attacks: Cache poisoning attacks can lead to numerous risks as well as consequences, including the delivery of malicious payloads, unauthorized access to sensitive information, and the compromise of user interactions. By being aware of these risks, you can take proactive steps to defend against cache poisoning. 
  2. The Potential for Malicious Payload Distribution: Web cache poisoning provides attackers with a means to distribute harmful payloads to unsuspecting users. Exploiting vulnerabilities such as XSS, JavaScript injection, and open redirection, attackers can compromise the integrity of your website and compromise user security. Preventive measures are crucial in mitigating this potential threat. 
Case Studies: Notable Instances of Web Cache Poisoning 

Examining actual cases of web cache poisoning attacks helps us see the risks involved. Studying how big websites were targeted and how they dealt with these attacks can improve your security and reduce the chance of cache poisoning.

  1. High-profile Websites and Vulnerabilities Exploited: Numerous high-profile websites have fallen victim to web cache poisoning attacks, highlighting the pervasive nature of this threat. By examining these instances and the vulnerabilities exploited, one can gain an in-depth understanding of the techniques employed by attackers and the potential consequences of cache poisoning. 
  2. Timely Patching and Responsible Disclosure: Timely patching and responsible disclosure play a crucial role in mitigating the impact of cache poisoning attacks. By promptly addressing vulnerabilities and collaborating with security researchers, website owners can protect their users and maintain the integrity of their online platforms. 

Web cache poisoning poses a significant threat to website security and user trust. By understanding the intricacies of this attack vector, implementing preventive measures, and staying vigilant, you can effectively safeguard your website from cache poisoning attacks. Stay informed, stay secure, and prioritize the protection of your users’ data and experiences. 

In conclusion, web cache poisoning is a complex and evolving attack vector that requires proactive measures to prevent and mitigate. By implementing the strategies and countermeasures outlined in this blog, you can enhance the security of your website and protect your users from the potential risks associated with cache poisoning. Stay vigilant and prioritize the ongoing monitoring and optimization of your caching systems to ensure a safe and reliable browsing experience for your users. 

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Prince Varghese

by Prince Varghese

Associate Security Consultant | Redfox Security