Digisol DG GR1321’s Password Policy Bypass CVE-2024-2257

The Password Policy Bypass Vulnerability exists in Digisol Router (DG-GR1321: Hardware version 3.7L; Firmware version: v3.2.02) due to improper implementation of password policies. An attacker with physical access could exploit this by creating passwords that do not adhere to the defined security standards/policy on the vulnerable system. Exploitation of this vulnerability could expose a router to potential security risks.


Impact of the Vulnerability

Exploitation of this vulnerability could allow a determined attacker to:

  • Bypass password policies: The attacker can create weak or insecure passwords, compromising the router’s security.
  • Gain unauthorized access: By exploiting the vulnerability, the attacker may gain unauthorized control over the router.
  • Network manipulation: The compromised router could be used to manipulate network traffic or settings.
  • Data exposure: Sensitive data passed through a router may be compromised due to unauthorized access.

Vulnerability Description: Password Policy Bypass in Digisol DG-GR1321 Router

The Digisol DG-GR1321 router has a critical vulnerability where users can create passwords that do not adhere to the defined security standards. This issue poses several significant risks:

  1. Password Policy Bypass: Users can set weak passwords that bypass the router’s intended security measures.
  2. Weakened Security: The use of insecure passwords significantly lowers the overall security of the router.
  3. Increased Risk of Unauthorized Access: Hackers exploit weak passwords to gain unauthorized entry to a router.
  4. Exposure to Security Threats: The vulnerability makes the router and connected network more susceptible to data breaches, network manipulation, and other security threats.

Proof-of-Concept: Inadequate Password Enforcement in Digisol DG-GR1321 Router

  1. Single-Digit Password Allowance: Users can create passwords consisting of a single digit.
  2. Bypass of Password Policies: This capability effectively bypasses all of Digisol’s specified password policies.
  3. Undermined Security Measures: The allowance of weak passwords undermines the intended security protocols of the router.
  4. Ease of Exploitation: Attackers can easily exploit this vulnerability due to the simplicity and predictability of single-digit passwords.
password policy bypass

It is recommended to upgrade the firmware to the latest version. The firmware upgrade may include patches or fixes addressing vulnerabilities. Firmware for DG-GR1321 with hardware version 3.7L and starting with V3.1.XX can be downloaded from Digisol’s firmware website.


The Digisol DG-GR1321 router is vulnerable to a Password Policy Bypass (CVE-2024-2257), which allows attackers to compromise security. Exploiting the flaw enables bypassing password policies, unauthorized access, network manipulation, and data exposure. Attackers exploit by setting single-digit passwords, bypassing all policies and undermining security. It is recommended to upgrade the firmware to the latest version to mitigate the risk and enhance router security.

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