What is Purple Teaming?

What is purple teaming

Purple teaming is an approach to cybersecurity that leverages both red and blue teams’ strengths for maximum benefit to improve an organization’s overall security posture. In a purple team setup, these two teams collaborate closely to share insights, techniques, and strategies. This collaboration ensures that vulnerabilities are identified more efficiently and defenses are strengthened continuously.

Enter purple teaming – the solution that bridges the gap between red and blue teams and maximizes their effectiveness.

The Origins of Purple Teaming

Purple teaming is a relatively new approach to cybersecurity that emerged as a response to the limitations of traditional red and blue teams. The concept of purple teaming was first introduced in the military, where it was used to test the effectiveness of a unit’s defensive measures against simulated attacks. The idea was to bring together the offensive capabilities of the red team with the defensive capabilities of the blue team to identify weaknesses in the unit’s defences and improve its overall security posture.

What is a Purple Team?

A purple team is a group of cybersecurity professionals that combines a red team’s offensive capabilities with a blue team’s defensive capabilities. The goal of the purple team is to simulate an attack on the organization’s systems and infrastructure, while also working to identify and fix vulnerabilities in real-time. This approach allows organizations to test their defences in a controlled environment, identify weaknesses, and improve their overall security posture.

How does Purple Teaming Work?

Purple teaming is a collaborative approach that involves the Red Team and blue team working together to identify vulnerabilities and improve the organization’s security posture. Typically, this process starts by having a red team simulate an attack against their organization using various tactics and techniques designed to bypass its defences. Meanwhile, the blue team works to detect and respond to this attack while working closely with red team to identify vulnerabilities and develop solutions to address them.

Throughout the process, the purple team works to identify gaps in the organization’s defences and develop strategies to improve its overall security posture. This may involve implementing new security controls, updating policies and procedures, or providing additional training to employees. The goal is to build a resilient organization with cyber defence resources.

Benefits and Advantages

  • Using a purple team approach to cybersecurity has several advantages. The biggest benefit is that it helps organizations find defence vulnerabilities before attackers do. Therefore, this preventative approach can reduce cyberattack damage.
  • Another advantage of purple teaming is that it promotes collaboration and communication between the red team and blue team. This can help break down silos and improve the overall effectiveness of the organization’s security program. By working together, the teams can develop a deeper understanding of the organization’s security posture and identify areas for improvement.
  • Finally, purple teaming can help organizations stay ahead of emerging threats and trends in the cybersecurity landscape. By continually testing and refining their defences, organizations can adapt to new threats and stay one step ahead of attackers.

Key Elements of a Successful Purple Team

  • To be effective, a purple team requires several key components. First and foremost, the team must possess an in-depth knowledge of their organization’s security posture, both strengths and weaknesses, which requires close collaboration among the red and blue teams and all relevant stakeholders within the organization.
  • Another essential aspect of an effective purple team is a commitment to continuous improvement. The team must identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organization’s defences and devise solutions for them; learn from mistakes, adapt to changing threats, embrace new technologies and techniques and embrace mistakes as opportunities for learning.
  • Additionally, for any purple team to be effective within an organization it must receive support from senior leadership, including providing it with sufficient resources and funds to be effective, as well as acting on its findings by integrating them into its overall security program.

Challenges and Limitations

While there are many benefits to using a purple team approach to cybersecurity, there are also some challenges and limitations that organizations should be aware of –

  • One of the greatest obstacles lies in finding and hiring highly trained cybersecurity specialists for its purple team, especially for smaller organizations or those with tight budgets.
  • An additional challenge lies in maintaining ongoing collaboration and communication between red and blue teams, something which may prove challenging in organizations with siloed departments or limited communication channels.
  • Purple teaming may not be appropriate for everyone; to optimize its benefits for any particular organization, its implementation must be tailored specifically to its goals and needs. Furthermore, prior to adopting this approach, organizations should carefully assess their specific requirements and risk profiles before embarking upon this course of action.
How to Implement Purple Teaming in Your Organization

Implementing a purple team approach to cybersecurity requires careful planning and execution. The following are some steps that organizations can take to get started:

  1. Define the scope and objectives of the purple team: It includes determining the systems, infrastructure, and testing goals.
  2. Build the team: This involves identifying the cybersecurity professionals who will serve on the purple team, as well as any support staff or resources that will be needed.
  3. Develop testing scenarios: The purple team should develop a variety of testing scenarios that simulate different types of cyberattacks and techniques.
  4. Conduct testing: The purple team should conduct testing in a controlled environment, using the scenarios developed in step 3.
  5. Analyze findings: The purple team should analyze the findings from the testing and develop strategies to address vulnerabilities and weaknesses.
  6. Integrate findings into the organization’s security program: The findings from the purple team should be integrated into the organization’s overall security program, including policies, procedures, and training.
Best Practices

To get the most out of a purple team approach to cybersecurity, organizations should follow these best practices:

  1. Foster collaboration and communication: The red and blue teams must work together to achieve the goals of the purple team. This requires ongoing collaboration and communication between the teams and other stakeholders within the organization.
  2. Focus on continuous improvement: The purple team should identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the organization’s defences and develop strategies to address them. This requires a focus on continuous improvement and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
  3. Embrace new technologies and techniques: The cybersecurity landscape constantly evolves, and new threats and trends are always emerging. The purple team should embrace new technologies and techniques to avoid these threats.
Future of Purple Teaming

As cybersecurity threats continue to evolve, it is likely that purple teaming will become an increasingly important approach to cybersecurity. Organizations can identify defense vulnerabilities and develop solutions by combining the red and blue teams’ offensive and defensive capabilities. As cybersecurity becomes more complex, collaborative and proactive security will become more important.


Purple teaming is a practical approach to cybersecurity that allows organizations to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in their defences before attackers can exploit them. By combining the offensive and defensive capabilities of the red team and blue team, organizations can improve their overall security posture and stay ahead of emerging threats. While this approach has some challenges and limitations, organizations that implement a purple team approach to cybersecurity can enjoy many benefits and advantages.

Are you seeking to strengthen the security posture of your organization? Get in touch with us immediately so we can discuss your testing requirements. Our team of security professionals can assist in identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses within your systems and offer recommendations on how best to fix them.

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