Intro to Software Reverse Engineering (Part 3)

Hey everyone! In the previous blog (part 2 of the “Intro to Software Reverse Engineering”), we covered a walk-through of a challenge from We’ll be continuing our series on software reverse engineering with a walkthrough of another challenge from The description of this challenge is as follows: Guess the password without brute-forcing. No...

Intro to Software Reverse Engineering (Part 2)

In our previous blog (part 1 of the “Intro to Software Reverse Engineering” series), we covered the basics of Reverse Engineering. In this blog (part 2 of the same series), we’ll be covering a walk-through of a challenge from This challenge is an x86 binary executable which we’ll attempt to reverse engineer using OllyDBG.   As...

Intro to Software Reverse Engineering (Part 1)

Software Reverse Engineering is the process through which one attempts to understand a program’s functionality by analyzing its code. In this blog (part 1 of the “Intro to Software Reverse Engineering” series), we’ll delve into Reverse Engineering x86 Windows applications. OllyDbg is the tool we are going to utilize for x86 binary analysis and debugging....