Intercepting Implicit Intent to Load Arbitrary URL

In the world of Android app development, intents play a crucial role in facilitating communication and interaction between different components within an app and even between different apps. Intents can be categorized into two types: explicit and implicit. While explicit intents have a specific receiver and are delivered to a predetermined component, implicit intents leave...

A Comprehensive Guide to Android Penetration Testing

Android penetration testing is a crucial aspect of ensuring the security of mobile applications. With the increasing popularity of Android devices and the widespread use of mobile apps, it has become essential to identify and address security vulnerabilities in order to protect sensitive information. In this comprehensive guide, we will learn the importance of Android...

Exploiting Android WebView Vulnerabilities

In this blog, we are going to discuss Android WebView vulnerabilities.  What is a WebView?   The WebView class, which is an extension of the View class in Android, can be used to show a web page as part of your activity layout. It doesn’t have navigation buttons or an address bar, which are two important...

Exploiting Broadcast Receivers

What are Broadcast Receivers?  A broadcast receiver is a component in Android applications that allows the system to send events to applications that are not part of the standard user stream. Broadcast receivers are set up to receive specific events. When the event occurs, the receiver is called, and tasks such as displaying a message...